Hi everyone! So I've been following my 1330 calorie diet for two weeks and no surprises losing my 1.5 lb a week. Yesterday I was below goal at around 1267 calories net and then I went to dinner.. We went to Olive Garden where I ate half an entree, two bread sticks, salad and two soft drinks which i calculated approximately…
Hi everyone! I'm between 5'9 and 5'10 and about 140 lbs currently. I've always had a hard time knowing what size to wear. I usually just buy whatever fits. I like my jeans tight but not so tight I can't move. I like my tops slightly loose. This puts me in a 2 or 4 jeans and always a small ( sometimes xs) for tops or…
I'm 25 years old. I turned 25 less than 4 months ago, and it feels like yesterday. Time is going by really fast! anyway, my whole life people have commented on how young I look. Most people assume I'm 19-21 but I have gotten the occasional "can you even legally drive?" comment. For most of my adult life I have been very…
So I've been following my plan and if anything I had 2 days this week I was over ( due to excessive exercise). Yesterday for example my total calories were 2500... I woke up and hadn't gained or lost any weight. This morning, I was so hungry when I woke up that I ate two breakfast sandwiches! And I'm drinking my coffee now…
Hi I have a strange question seeing as how this only affects women and probably only a handful of people in here can properly answer me. Anyway, I'm on a weight loss program and I am also an egg donor. I am going to be donating in the month of April to a lovely couple who wants kids but can't have them because of their…