I've been doing Pilates with Blogilates for over a year on and off, wonder if any of you here doing it.
When : Weekend of March 19-20(or next if you missed this one) Challenge : Eat your choices of Veggies for 2 cups / each day, and at the end of each day put the pics of your veggies here. Hope this will keep us stay on track... Join me!!!
How do you guys eat? What is the best % for people who want to get lean? Not loosing weight tho just get lean. Thanks so much!!
I'm addicting to sweet, I eat lots of them. Starting this challenge might help keeping me out of it... Only 5 days, I think I can do it. Who's in? Starting March12 - March16
My last 10lbs don't seem to go anywhere. I am really small, so 10lbs is a lot to me. Anybody out there in the same situation ? Any suggestion?
I'm thinking about getting one. Please help I have a MacBook, iPad and iPhone