I've been doing the PHUL workout consistently for 6 months or so now but I was wondering if it's better if I go back to Splits? I ask because usually when I'm doing upper body, arms are the last part of the workout and for whatever reason I'm fatigued once I get to that part of my workout so I feel like I'm not really at…
Supplement Suggestions.
I was wondering if anyone has tried German Creatine? If so did you see any significant gains and what brand did you use? Btw I'm already taking in a lot of calories and lifting heavy but I just want a supplement to give me that extra push, if you will.
Scam or the real deal?
Just wondering. Has anyone tried or heard of CB-1 weight gainer? Does it actually help you gain weight? Or are there any side effects or anything in it that can harm the body? I'm currently in the process of bulking but if something like this will speed up the process I wouldn't mind giving it a try.
Not taking in enough calories to gain muscle?
I'm 5'8, 158 pounds, and have a slim build. I workout at least 5 days a week and see some toning but no big gains like I'd hope for. I also take a whey protein mixed in with a carbo gainer and I'm still sitting at the same weight. Any tips or meals that could help me pack on extra weight?