I love this idea. Use this picture as a guide (copy or print so you will have it). Each week (Monday) I will give you a word and you will take the letter of each word and do that exercise in reps of 3 or 3 times a day. For next weeks challenge that will start on Monday 6/6/2016: Your word will be your EXERCISE
I have over 100 lbs to lose and I am looking for some supporters in Maryland. Hit me up if you are serious about losing weight. I have an agenda, but can not do it alone.
Well I made the executive decision to make some real big changes in my life. I have to start with me. For those who know me know that I do and worry about everyone else. I can not change that about myself, but I have done some soul searching in that while I do for others I am neglecting myself. I woke up Sunday morning…