Ay ladies out there have a hard time dieting before AF??
I have doing this since Mar 5 and I felt good I seen the scale going down. But now it's at a point where the scale is not moving much at all! I have been trying so hard and It upsets me that I am not losing much like I was. I still 11lbs I want to lose but now I am just thinking I am not doing something right! I exercise…
I am just curious if anyone is eating lean protein like turkey chicken fish and still losing weight like they want?
I haven't really been drinking anything but water and just kind of wanted to switch it up for lunch and have me a diet coke. I know a lot of people say they aren't good for you.
The best exercise for flabby belly for beginners?
I have been going over a little bit on my protein for the past couple days. Is this going to make me gain weight?
I started using this app to loose some extra weight and so far it has been doing great! I am 10lbs down and I have about 14 more lbs to go....