I did finish my diary for 8/8 just didn't hit complete.
Take back 1 Penalty Buck: -For each workout 60 mins or more -Each weekend workout 30 mins or more -Each food you substitute for a healthier 1 -Ex. Your job offers free pizza but you eat salad instead. You get your kids ice cream but you have carrots. Instead of mashed potatoes for dinner you have 2 servings of vegetables…
$1 for: -EACH food or drink not allowed -Use list below to add penalties properly -EACH missed workout -Workouts less than 30mins do not count - $2 for EACH MFP log that's missing -Log must be finalized & posted on TL -Let group know immediately if system doesn't allow you to submit -$5 for any 4 consecutive days of not…
Challenge will be from 8/1- 9/1 Everyone will create a MyFitnessPal account. We all exchange names. You must: -Log MFP 7 days a week -Log must me completed & posted to timeline by end of day. (Post immediately to let the group know if system won't let you submit) -Log all foods, drinks, snacks, workouts, etc -Workout at…
Lost approximately 60 lbs with the help of the sleeve surgery.. gained 20 back