I'm a hard gainer I've to eat a ton to gain anything and when i do eat a lot my body gets very hot and i start sweating even in winters when the room temp is cold. While sleeping i wake up 2-3 times because of sweating. I wonder if this happens with anyone else while they're on high carbs.
Lately even after quitting dairy and whey protein i still get nasty protein farts which is a problem as i live with my gf. Why is this happening? 🤮
I'm working out on and off from past 3 years and from past 3 months im regular at gym 4-5 days a week and all i do is eat sleep workout repeat. But still its very hard for me to put on size. What am i doing wrong?
Is it possible to gain size from doing high rep pushups and pullups till failure? Backstory :- I had 3 stomach ulcers and i lost about 15kg(33pounds) over a period of 4 months. I'm almost recoverd but parents won't pay for the gym membership till i get a green flag from my doctor. I really wanna gain back my size and was…
I'm pretty lean but my face is a bit chubby. My friends who are fater than me have very slim faces. What sorcery is this?