Weight loss stopped
10000 steps
2/3 of the way there
Best restaurants to go eat at when watching calories?
Trying to decide where is a good place to eat out.
Walking with a hunting dog.
I'm sure she enjoyed it. However, her stops sniffing for rabbits slowed us down a lot.
iPhone step
Should we count them as exercise?
Sesame chicken with yellow and green Bellpepper, can't wait.
So as you lose weight your calories allowed goes down ?
Crazy but love it
When you can have your favorite foods and still lose weight.
Second day
Second day at work with my new way of eating and yesterday I find out office is buying lunch and we are having cake for someone's birthday. Is everyone together in sabotaging me
First day doing it with work.
Today will be the first day going to work and keeping track of everything.
Loving this
I hate to put my foot in my mouth but this is actually going very well for me. Was a little hungry at work today but I pushed through it. :)
Need to get outside and exercise but can't get over this 5 day migraine and the sun kills me.
New here
Hoping this works