I work midnights at a hospital and weigh myself in when I get to work. I've lost about 6 pounds in a month (318-312). Kept within my food goals, logging 15K steps a day on my Fitbit, and weighed in tonight at 313. I'm staying pretty clean thus far with my plan, just discouraged at the weigh in. Am I being too hard on…
Temptation is a bi***. Anyone who has struggled to lose weight knows the little demon on your shoulder that tempts you to break your diet and pig out. I'm trying to appreciate the little victories more and more. For example, I work 3rd shift at a hospital and all of night shift was provided free food. Hotdogs, hamburgers,…
Not so much inputting the information, but the claim of "I should weigh X amount in X weeks if I keep eating this way" when I finish my journal. For the purposes of a little background info, I'm 315 lbs, 30, male, and put my initial goal at 300. I put my activity level as light as I work on my feet everyday and do light…