Logging street party food
I've recently joined less than a week ago and I've set today's as a cheat day because in my village, we've had a street party to celebrate the queens birthday and about half the village came! My family and my dad's friends ordered a table and he brought a range of things from Cosco. As a lot of people know, you don't…
High Protein and Vitamin Calorie Dense foods?
Anyone know any high protein foods or food that are high in vitamins/minerals which are calorie dense? I've only eaten 500 calories today and not much protein or micronutrients so any tips will do :)
Macro ratio for weight loss
I started myfitnesspal on tuesday and I've been spending a few hours since to find out what the best macro ratio is for me. I'm actually 16 and diabetic with type 2 (although I've sorted my blood sugars out now) and I'm about 99.5kg and I've been trying to lose weight all my life. I tend to yo yo diet but I want to be able…