Summer Body Setbacks
Lately I’ve been facing a few setbacks in regards to my diet... I eat right for a few days meaning I follow my nutrition plan and count my calories... And then I fall off the bandwagon... This wasn’t a big deal in the beginning because I just stopped myself from overindulging in the highly processed foods and went hard in…
Summer Body Prep
I’m not doing a bikini competition but I’m starting a program to get my summer body on February 28th.. The program I found online is from muscleandfitness and in my opinion looks manageable. I do recognize that it’s somewhat vain to be doing this with a goal of aesthetics being my only motivation.. But I’m ok with that.…
Do You See The Changes Within Yourself?
Every once in awhile I look at pics of me from months earlier. It's to remind myself that I don't have to be uber strict about my diet just to lose weight.. As long as I eat healthy 90% of the time, I can eat a small treat once in awhile. Already I notice my face slimming down and I just look happier in general. What…
Will You Rise to the Challenge?
Tomorrow I officially start a regular weight loss routine.. Going to the gym 5 days out of the week.. I also found a gym within my community with a low cost plan.. It doesn't have the newest and shiniest equipment but it will get the job done (plus has a pool for use year round).. I also found a website called Precision…
How Does One Detox Naturally ?
I recently decided to start losing weight again and I feel bloated whenever I get done exercising.. How do I get rid of the bloat without taking toxic pills?
Being Overweight and Getting better treatment Once You choose a Healthy Option at Places to Eat?
My experience with being in a transition period of losing weight (you've lost some weight) while being technically overweight is this: I have literally gone into places to eat with my BF and ask for the "healthy option" or "vegetarian option" and am treated better because of it. Like really? I'm always polite mind you. How…