For the weight gainers, what do you guys make in your shakes? And how many times a day? I use 6 egg whites ,oats, banana, peanut butter.
I just curious if you others plan there meals for the day and etc. I start out with a 2 shake a day made of 1/2 spoon of peanut butter, 1/2 a banana, 6 egg whites, a scoop of oats. My meals consist of rice and tilapia all day. My goal also is to gain 80 pounds.
Hey guys, I'm trying to gain weight right now and give you an idea of what I'm trying to do. I'm 5'7 weighting about 137 and trying to intake 3000 calories. I'm trying to get up to 180 and wanting to know what are you good (food shakes) to blend up and drink and meals throughout the day. And any other tips are welcome!