Where would you take the person above on a date
And....... go
Would you beat the person above in a tickling match
Easy, harmless fun If you and the person above started having a tickling match would you beat them
Use your best chat up line on the above
Couch to 5k
Wondering what people get up to during the day off. Apart from walking, swimming & cycling any other ideas Please feel free to add me as well (UK - Basingstoke)
Hi everyone, Just signed up and the reason why is simple I need to get fitter and loose a bit of weight. During my recent holiday I noticed a few things that I no longer liked. The Most of my holiday cloths no longer fitter me or was way way to tight to even wear And the Buddha belly was getter more Buddha like Know the…
Hi everyone, Just signed up and the reason why is simple I need to get fitter and loose a bit of weight. During my recent holiday I noticed a few things that I no longer liked. The Most of my holiday cloths no longer fitter me or was way way to tight to even wear And the Buddha belly was getter more Buddha like Know the…