Roll Call for Friday September 9, 2022
Many of us feel the need to remain connected by just signing in on a daily basis. We may have a lot to say or very little. We may say smart things, or dumb things. It doesn't matter if we're having a good day, a bad day...or something in my between. We'll post our thoughts, our successes, our challenges, our insights (or…
Poll - In person meetings
Just curious. How many miles away is your closest in person WW meeting place? Pre-pandemic, we had two meeting places within 10 miles. Post pandemic there are none in our county. Our closest in person meeting is now 45 miles away.
FAO: Charlie
I had the infamous "Charlie's Crockpot Chicken and Stuffing" for dinner tonight. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what plan you are following, what type of points, points plus, smart points, or calories you count, this is hands down one of the best meals that comes out of my slow cooker. For this, I am…
[PSA] Heatwave ~~Stay cool
Public Service Announcement B) For all those experiencing higher temperatures, remember to hydrate and stay cool. Also check on the elderly family members, friends and neighbors. Here in NJ, temperature is high 90's with heat indexes around 105. How's the weather in your neck of the woods? ~~~ Rip
[MTBC] Make the Better Choice - July 23
Make the Better Choice (MTBC) - 07/23/16 All of us are faced with those times when making the "best" choice is something that isn't going to happen. Sometimes that is by circumstance...sometimes by limited choice...or sometimes personal preference. DOCKANZ, a GoaD stalwart for several years, coined the phrase "Make the…