My name is Cathy. I have always struggled with my weight and have reached the point now where I feel disgusted and ready for a lasting change. I have a habit of doing really good and start to see change and then I stop. Not sure why but I do. I gain it back plus some. When I eat healthy and workout out I feel 100X better.…
Would anybody be interested in being friends/support more than just liking statuses. Maybe like texting and really being a support and getting to know eachother? Strictly just as a supportive friend.
What are good exercise to get rid of that stubborn pooch? Ever since I've had my son I have that damn pooch that will not go away.
Colorado friends??
I'm look for cardio exercises that are easy on the ankles. I've had surgery and another one coming Up soon. So things like running aren't really an option. I do swim laps when I can. Is there any at home workouts that are intense but easy on the feet?