Been eatinf healthy and eating the correct amount of calories, stayed away from all junk food... but the scale does not show even a bit of change only shows its gone up! How can then even be?
How affective is skipping rope for weight loss and is it better then the usual gym cardio machines? & how long would you recommend doing it for to see a change
What excerise would you recommend for weight loss and how many times a week to see the diffrence? What worked best for you?
Ive been eating clean and working out for my weight loss journey, however today i slipped up and had some cake, will this affect my weight loss process. I feel really bad now for having cake and busicuts
Hi guys! I'm trying to lose 2 stones, i be at the gym 3-4 tines a week, up to 1 hour to 1hour 30mins. I feel as though am seeing no diffrence. Please can you help me in what excersises would be best for weight loss, more towards my stomache and love handles. I be on the treadmill alot however i do feel as though my body…