How neccessary is it to incorporate diff types of cardio thru the week? i feel like i could burn alot more if i did more then just zumba everyday. (these are diff classes/instructors) and i help assist teaching so i HAVE to push hard. idk i feel like im not doing enough...(could be me obsessing again)...
5k run training
i am going to do a 5k run in 8 weeks. not sure if i can but i am going to try. i need all tips and pointers. i and not in the shape for this at all so i need a high impact something....HELP ME PLEASE!!!!
Always Hungry
I work about 9 to 10 hours a day sitting here at my desk and i am comstantly hungry. Fruits seem to keep me hungry and i just get a headache. What can i do or eat to help me control my eatting at work? Also i get home late and i am hungry. Should i just go to sleep hungry and assume that after a while of doing this that my…
Jumping In the crowd
HEYY!!!! I am fairly new here and i am looking for all the ppl i can to help me in any way posible on my journey to a healthier life style. i know some things but i love to learn about fitness and what does this and that and why not to or you should. im really struggling this time with losing this weight. My time schedule…