I been trying to watch my diet and I been working out. I eat 1200 calories a day sometimes a little more sometimes a little less. I work out 5 to 6 times a week for 60-90 mins . I do 1 hrs of walking and 1 hrs of weights squats and dancing. I was losing weight and now I am stuck on 167. Why ??? :( the only think I been…
Is it better to eat breakfast 1st and then workout or workout 1st and then eat breakfast? Is it better to do cardio 1st or weights for gaining muscles and burning fat cal?
I do cardio and starting to do weights but I always carry fat in the front part of my stomach . Wondering what should I do to make it go away. Starting to eat healthier but sometimes I do get out of track .started 3 wks ago at 188 now 172 .