Went to the gym for my normal Monday workout and I was sooo incredibly sore about a minute just into my warmup. Sunday was a rest day for me and I haven't changed workouts at all. I managed to finish my 500m row for warmup and got on the elliptical for my 20 min intervals. My legs felt like they were 100lbs each! I decided…
Does anybody in here use the updated life fitness ellipticals and machines at a PF? A new PF just opened up closer to me and the new ellipticals are HARD! From what I can tell they are exactly like This just in purple and with the PF sayings on them. I've been doing 30 minutes on the elliptical before my strength training…
So I have a question for everyone. I have had a great group of friends for many years that have been supportive at other times of my life but not when it comes to me losing weight. My group of girlfriends are all on the larger side and things have become infinitely worse since I began a healthier lifestyle. Has anybody…