Going to give casein protein a try for the first time. What are some favorite brands? Good flavors? Favorite ways to use? Thank you!
Looking for suggestions for foods WITH carbs, but low/no sugar Thanks in advance!
I am fairly new to the world of counting Macros. I would love to hear individual stats and Macros. Looking for ideas and would love to see what works for different ppl. I am 5'6'' 118lb. 18K steps per day average. Weigh lifting 4-5x per week. Currently doing: 2100 Cal 226g Carbs 158g Protein 63g Fat
A question for the very active, weigh-lifting ladies. How many grams of protein per day? What is the maximum grams of protein per day based on weight? I am 5'6'' 118lb. Walk about 18-20K steps per day. Weight lift 5x per week. I currently eat 120-160g protein per day easily and could do more. I'm wondering if…