Hi My name's Summer I'm in desperate need to loose weight before I become in able to walk I weigh 505lbs I'm desperately seeking help. Where do I start? How do I start?
Please HELP ME!
I am in need of help! I have lumbar disc herniation, degenerative disc diesese, rhumotory arthritis, pinched nerves in my left and right legs so my exercising is very limited in what and how I move. I need a excersize program or video that want cause my back to hurt worse then what it does. Can anybody help me?
I'm lost cause!
I'm so lost! Having a severe back injury makes loosing weight twice harder. I've got:: Lumbar disc herniation Degenitive did disease Arthritis & pinched nerves. Can somebody help?
HELP! I need motivation & HELP. I'm begging!
Hello. My name's Summer I'm from Alabama. I'm 5ft 11in 490lbs/ Several health issues. I have no motivation and no clue where to start or how too start. I just dont know! I'm lost :(