Hi My name's Summer I'm in desperate need to loose weight before I become in able to walk I weigh 505lbs I'm desperately seeking help. Where do I start? How do I start?


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I was gonna to tag you, @estherdragonbat. You must be psychic!
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I was gonna to tag you, @estherdragonbat. You must be psychic!

    Or psycho... ;)
  • tiavt
    tiavt Posts: 4 Member
    You did the first step! Asking for help! I am
    Just starting up as well. Great tips here! We can
    Do this!!
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Hi Summer :) As others have said, logging is essential. You will be amazed at how much logging inspires you to change habits. When I don't log, I can really fool myself about how often and how much I eat. When I make myself keep track by logging I immediately see a huge upsurge in my motivation to make better choices.

    You'll see a variety of suggestions from different people here and not all of it will be right for you. In my own experience, a low carb diet works best because I can reduce calories without getting hungry. It's not the diet I wanted, and I resisted trying it. Once I did try it, my urge to overeat subsided and I began to feel like a "normal" eater instead of an out-of-control eater. This is just one of many ideas you may want to consider.

    I had trouble walking as well when I was heavier so I know what you're going through. The biggest reward for losing weight for me was being able to walk without pain. The hope of getting pain free was what kept me motivated, and I hope you will really be convinced that it can happen for you too. Keeping that hope alive is so important!
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    You've been given great advice so far! I want to lend support as well and let you know that it is totally possible!!! You don't even have to starve yourself.

    As others said, put your stats into MFP and eat what it tells you. Less is NOT necessarily better. MFP already includes a calorie deficit and, as you lose, you update your goals and the calories will lower as your weight does. Do not get in a big hurry and think, "Well, if it says this amount, I'll eat way under and lose faster". That is only going to backfire on you, not only because of the restriction, but you'll lose muscle mass and burn out.

    I'd also add in.. Walk what you can. You've already mentioned not wanting to lose that ability. If you can walk twice around the house, do that. If you can walk five times out in the yard, do it. Get the mail. Park a little further away from the store. Every little bit will help and you'll get stronger. It will be so good for your heart health to keep moving and will aid in your weight loss venture. You can also do upper body exercises while sitting. Just moving your arms around at first, then add in some light weights. It really doesn't take a lot to get started!

    Glad you're here!!

  • KeThur_18
    KeThur_18 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey summer... I will try to help any way I can you can do it just one day at a time
  • KTaurusW0516
    KTaurusW0516 Posts: 126 Member
    Post on here, no matter if you struggle or succeed we will be here to help support you. I'm going on my third week. It took a few bumps in the road and making mistakes but, we are human and that happens. The fact we are trying now is all that matters. YOU GOT THIS! <3
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Here's my advice, there are lots of supportive people on here start building a friend list, it really does help, make easy changes -such as drinking water instead of fizzy drinks, definitely log everything you eat, don't think of it as a diet it's a life style change, have a moderate first goal such as lose 7lb, don't deny yourself anything just be sensible. And don't give up, you can do this
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'd start by getting yourself a food scale. Then learn how to weigh all your solids, measure liquid and log here on mfp accurately.

    You can do it and are worth it! It might seem overwhelming at first but don't give up.
  • ashxtasticness
    ashxtasticness Posts: 160 Member
    You can do it! You have already made the most important decision; realizing you need and want to do something about your health.

    Things that helped me;

    Meal planning- Basically, a week at a time so that I can go grocery shopping for everything I will need.
    Reading labels before buying- Sometimes "low fat" and "low carb" aren't always the best options.
    Sodium- I started keeping my sodium at or below the daily 2300 recommended and, WOW! I didn't realize how much I was consuming beforehand. I don't add salt to anything, so I thought I would be fine... turns out almost anything premade or canned is loaded in sodium which makes you retain water and swell
    Drink LOTS of water- I aim for 80-100 oz. a day. It make me feel fuller and helps flush my system and keep me hydrated.
    Stretching- It's a good way to slowly get into exercise and very important to do before even a 15-20 minute walk.
    Logging meals- Super important to know what you are consuming. I log my entire day on the night before so that I know what to eat, when to eat it, what to pack so that I have everything accessible and don't slip up.
    Equipment- It sounds silly and time consuming, but in order to properly log your meals and know exactly what you are taking in, you need a food scale, dry and liquid measuring cups. I did the "eh, I'll eyeball it" for a while and realized I was way off when I started actually weighing/measuring my food.
    Support- Find a friend/family member or group to turn to. This place is super helpful and there are a lot of supportive people here, but if you can find support in person, it makes it easier. Someone to help you meal plan/eat dinner with you, go on walks etc.
    Walking- Start out slow, do what you can but don't overdo it. Anything is better than nothing and the more you do it, the longer/faster you'll be able to do it.
    Research- If you are getting bored with your meals/feeling hungry/want to find more activities to do, look it up! The internet is a glorious place full of tons of ideas.
    Don't be afraid to mess up- We all mess up here and there, if we mess up at breakfast it doesn't mean to just turn that day into a cheat day. One cheat day leads to another which leads to a week and so on. I used to be terrible about that, I'd get mad at myself, feel disappointed and say "screw it, I already ate a cupcake" and it was always a downward spiral.
    Methods- When you first start, weigh yourself, measure yourself (chest, upper arms, thighs, stomach, hips, calf, neck etc), take pictures and try on something that you know doesn't quite fit. Sometimes we lose inches without losing pounds. Everyone wants to see the numbers on the scale decreasing, but let's face it, that doesn't always happen and that's where most people get discouraged. If you do these other things, you will have other ways to see your progress and stay encouraged.
    Protein- Make sure you eat protein with every meal/snack. I try to get at least 25g of protein in each meal, don't eat a carb without a protein and keep my overall carb/protein ratio equal or less carb than protein. Protein and fiber help keep you fuller longer, so you are less likely to want to munch.
    Don't starve yourself- If you're hungry, eat. Just make healthier choices and try to stay at or a little below your calorie goal suggested by MFP

    Best of luck to you, feel free to add me if you are looking for more support.

  • MNTom
    MNTom Posts: 18 Member
    You've been given a lot of good advice, but at your weight I hope you will see and talk to your physician first. You may have some health issues that require you to do things a little differently than for a dieter that has much less to lose. I wish you the best! Day at a time!