Please HELP ME!

I am in need of help! I have lumbar disc herniation, degenerative disc diesese, rhumotory arthritis, pinched nerves in my left and right legs so my exercising is very limited in what and how I move. I need a excersize program or video that want cause my back to hurt worse then what it does. Can anybody help me?


  • Karliemyalgia
    Karliemyalgia Posts: 146 Member
    With a lumbar herniation, degenerative disc disease, RA, and pinched nerves always check with your doctor before beginning any suggestion exercise programs

    Due to your limitations you want to make sure you are not doing any sudden, jerking movements. Slow and controlled, and keep breathing. You want to be looking for my physiotherapy-type exercises as that is what designed for people like yourself and myself who need modified fitness practices.

    Along with exercise program, nutrition is equally important (if not moreso)
    Weightloss (on the surface) is simple, Spend more Energy (calories) than you take in.

    So if you've got any pop, juices, sugary-drinks and treats will counteract the exercise.
    The less we weight, the less weight and stress on our joints and bones, every little step counts.

    Start small, work within your means and don't be sorry to anyone for that.
  • lady_tasia
    lady_tasia Posts: 13 Member
    Check with your doctor for an OK on these and any exercise ideas:

    1. Yoga for MS is a modified, very gentle yoga that has helped me a lot with pain, mobility and balance. There is a person you can search on the internet "Yoga Chuck" who has short workouts.

    2. Water walking is another really safe workout, provided your doctor OKs it. I walk laps using a set of Hydrofit ankle weights and barbells. I like this as I have absolutely no fear of falling walking in the pool.

    I hope you get lots of replies and some suggestions that work for you.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You do not have to exercise to lose weight. Weight loss comes from the amount of calories you eat in a day compared to the total amount of calories your body burns keeping you alive. Exercise is good for other things and can increase your total daily calorie burn, but you can lose weight without exercising.

    I do understanding wanting to exercise and there are lots of good reasons to do it. I would think doing things in a swimming pool would be a good way to start.
  • Avsgirly
    Avsgirly Posts: 31 Member
    I have sciatica and a hip problem myself. I do really well with water aerobics. Makes my body feel so much better and it's a great way to burn the calories. But as everyone has said, check with ur doc.
  • barskoz
    barskoz Posts: 1 Member
    Water exercises are the best. If possible sign up also for physical therapy.