70 lbs lost -- lots of before and after photos
70 lost so far . I want to lose a total 117 when all is said and done . Photo of me in red is from August .. I started to buckle down and really commit to health in January 2017
61 pounds down..on my way to at least 107 lost..46 to go
Workout Guilt
Hi , I have lost 51 pounds and am on my way to losing 107 ...I do a fair amount of cardio, and yoga everyday. I run/walk and use my stationary bike. This is my issue, I have a really hard time taking a day off from working out. I feel so guilty if I even think about it. But the problem is sometimes I am legit tired..like…
Monounsaturated Fats Question
Hi All Quick question..Monounsaturated Fat like in Almonds and Avocado..Do they count towards the same macro fat content? When I eat avocado raw or raw almonds and record in my food diary it just goes to "fats" It almost always pushes me over my fat content..It might be wishful thinking but does the Monounsaturated count…
In progress
75 pounds until goal .. that before isn't even my heaviest my heaviest was 307 .. never again . All my blood work is normal , blood pressure normal and being taken off cholesterol meds after 20 years on ..also .. no longer prediabetic which it was not even really but a breath away from t2, if I am honest .. I am not…
Weighing every day
OK , I have been weighing everyday. I have lost 25 on my road to losing 100. The fluctuations are really getting to me. Up a pound one day, down a pound the next day, even in the morning the stupid scale will give me a different weight if I step on more than once..What to do what to do...Any advice? I am feeling great,…