Workout Guilt

Hi , I have lost 51 pounds and am on my way to losing 107 ...I do a fair amount of cardio, and yoga everyday. I run/walk and use my stationary bike. This is my issue, I have a really hard time taking a day off from working out. I feel so guilty if I even think about it. But the problem is sometimes I am legit today. I want to go home and take a nap after work ( I am a teacher) but I feel so guilty because I know I still have 56 pounds until my first goal and I don't want to slack off. People tell me to give myself a break but how? How can one justify a break from exercise when you still have so much work to do? I never eat back my exercise calories btw...It is something I just don't want to do..Please give me some advice..I am at 1700 calories right now and I am losing each week..I don't want to mess that up :) TIA


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited April 2017
    As you get closer to goal please reconsider eating back a portion of exercise calories.....that's how MFP is designed. Large deficits make it harder for your body to support existing lean muscle mass. You want to lose fat not muscle. Adding strength training will help too.

    As far as days off and "guilt." You are exercising for your health. There is physical health & mental health.

    Flexibility is also part of being fit. Use just light hatha yoga or a stretch workouts for "semi-rest" days. Not doing cardio every single day isn't anything to feel guilty about.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Rest is part of the training plan.

    I'm team couch and chips books on rest days. And I have no regrets.

    @JoRocka, you always crack me up. I modified your statement to fit me.

  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    schedule rest days into your weekly workout plan, so that way when the rest day comes you can relax guilt free. and rest days don't mean you lay in bed all day, well they can mean that if you want, but my rest days are still fairly active with walking and stuff, im just not lifting or running or doing something strenuous. Rest is important, you will progress more efficiently if you incorporate rest days.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Hi , I have lost 51 pounds and am on my way to losing 107 ...I do a fair amount of cardio, and yoga everyday. I run/walk and use my stationary bike. This is my issue, I have a really hard time taking a day off from working out. I feel so guilty if I even think about it. But the problem is sometimes I am legit today. I want to go home and take a nap after work ( I am a teacher) but I feel so guilty because I know I still have 56 pounds until my first goal and I don't want to slack off. People tell me to give myself a break but how? How can one justify a break from exercise when you still have so much work to do? I never eat back my exercise calories btw...It is something I just don't want to do..Please give me some advice..I am at 1700 calories right now and I am losing each week..I don't want to mess that up :) TIA

    This way of looking at things is not helpful of healthy.

    There are two separate issues. One is that if you're exercising every day without a break and not fueling that properly, of course you feel legitimately tired, it's like refusing to put gas in your car and then being surprised when you get stuck. The second is that you didn't gain all your weight overnight, you shouldn't expect to lose it all quickly and you shouldn't punish yourself for taking a realistic amount of time.
  • srosenthal1225
    srosenthal1225 Posts: 44 Member
    thank you all for the heartfelt advice. It is much appreciated..
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    As other people have said, rest is part of fitness! Sometimes, your body needs it! I struggle with injury and know that some days I HAVE to just take the day off. Yesterday happened to be one of them, so I set a 'reverse goal' to stay below 5k steps to give my knee a break. I spent most of the afternoon binge watching Netflix and cuddling with my dogs and not feeling guilty about it, even though I have a long way to go.

    You're doing awesome, and don't let yourself forget that you've put in so much hard work!! Your body - and your mind! - need a break every now and again :).
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    edited April 2017
    Every couple weeks I purposely have a day that I don't leave my house or do ANYTHING if I can help it. Naps, cuddles, couch, books/video games/tv...just a mental health day. I certainly make sure I have at least 2 rest days that involve nothing but normal activity and walking per week.

    Not eating enough (including eating back my exercise calories) means I get sick. Not resting enough means I get injured. Thats all there is to it. My workout schedule is fairly extreme though.

    There should never be guilt about food/exercise or taking care of yourself. How fast are you losing?

    ETA: I justify it because if push through when I'm truly tired, I just get sick and end up taking 3-7 days off instead of just 1.
  • kzooyogi
    kzooyogi Posts: 121 Member
    Rest is absolutely required! You don't want to burn yourself out, and pushing yourself through workouts when you're to the point of exhaustion is only going to hurt you in the long run. Remember that it likely took years to put on the excess weight, so you need to allow yourself ample time to take it off as well. It looks like you're doing everything else right, so put a little trust in the rest of the process and know that your efforts will be returned to you.

    You have nothing to gain, and everything to lose by overdoing it! Give yourself some time and space. Since you're into yoga, my recommendation is downloading the Headspace app. It's $12.99/month, but well worth it. (I should add that I am in no way affiliated with Headspace... just a happy customer!). There are meditation packs for people who are training for sports, trying to lose weight, etc. that will help to put and keep you in the right mindset to find success.

    Best of luck to you - you are well on your way!
  • lifting_momlife
    lifting_momlife Posts: 26 Member
    listen to your body! if you're tired, hun, rest! you don't wanna burn yourself out or cause an injury.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    As others have aptly pointed out recovery is necessary part of the process in improving fitness but recovery doesn't necessarily mean rest. For example you mentioned that you're walking and running. Running requires recovery, walking (unless you're race walking or traipsing up and down challenging terrain etc) is a recovery activity. Similarly with cycling, you can alternate harder workouts with low intensity recovery rides.

    Having said that, there are days when you just need the extra rest. If you take a day off don't beat yourself up over it. One day of rest is not going to derail your plans, the need for rest is usually more mental than physical but if you're tired relax and recharge.
  • winejunky143
    winejunky143 Posts: 153 Member
    I have felt the same way throughout my entire journey and now that I'm at my goal weight I still haven't stopped pushing. Even though the weight is gone I still have guilt if I don't workout one day or have a cheat meal. I did however always have one rest day a week. Not by choice but because of circumstance. Instead of calling it a rest day and doing nothing maybe look at it as a day to catch up on something else. Instead of doing your normal workout try catching up on some cleaning or do a craft. Keep yourself busy with something that makes you happy and will help you feel like you did something important with your time.
  • kellysmith410
    kellysmith410 Posts: 58 Member
    Not only is rest necessary physically but so important for your mental health.
    It sounds like you have a slightly unhealthy relationship with your eating habits & exercise.

    Relax - take a break every now and then and be kind to yourself. Be proud of how far you've come.