I was interested in taking pre-workout supplements before the gym. I typically take HIIT classes and some light weights at the gym. I am trying to lose weight. Any suggestions?
Anyone have any suggestions on a dinner meal after a workout. I workout daily at 530pm. I am typically home at about 645pm. I want to keep the meal light but find myself eating something bad instead like Chips, crackers. Any suggestions?
I head to the gym right after work and don’t get home until about 7:00pm. Any low calorie small meal suggestions?
I am on a low carb diet and trying not to eat past 7pm. I typically go to the gym after work and I'm home after 7 or 8pm. Any suggestions on something I can eat when I'm out of the gym?
I have lost 12 pounds since January 8th, but I find that the last couple of weeks I yo-yo between weight. I will go up and down 1-2 pounds. Anyone have any suggestions, I feel like I hit a wall with weight loss. I am eating healthier, drinking plenty of water and exercising.
Hi everyone, I have a 50 pound weight loss goal that I am trying to achieve. I am down 10 pounds since January 9th. I feel that my weight loss is stagnant at this moment. I am eating healthier and working out 3-4 times a week. Any suggestions on how to kick start my weight loss again?