PCOS, TTC, Vegan, Need some moral support.
Back after an 12 month hiatus... Trying to conceive, facing typical PCOS challenges so on a low sugar diet. Need to lower BF% and get back on the fitness bus. Did 12 months of F45. Starting weight 53kg, finishing weight 62kg (Gained 5kg of muscle.) After a 12 month break...down, now 72kg, took bulking a little too…
Can you please help figure out the calories!
Exercising daily but not building muscle
Hi all. I recently tested positive for Impaired Glucose Tollerance/Pre-Diabeties, the cause; I have thin PCOS. I'm Vegan and I have a pretty good diet but I have a heart condition MVPS. I've seen a dietician and Diabeties Educator and they tell me I'm doing everything right. I've made some changes to my eating habbits to…
Fed up with feeling bad about your body because of Instagram!??
Hi all 28yo weakling from Australia. I have been struggling with low self esteem ... forever! Decided this year would be the year i stop: - poking and prodding at my love handels - buying baggy clothing - lying dead after 3 'girly' push ups - avoiding swimming - comparing myself to Instamodels! And start: - taking…