One for the not-that-heavy girls - how do you pick a goal weight within the healthy BMI range? I was fit and healthy at a BMI of 21. Now I'm 25 pounds heavier, BMI over 24, and it is obvious this is not a healthy weight *for me*, I have a double chin and my stomach wobbles when I run. But is it sensible or realistic to aim…
Anyone else just...a bit bigger than they used to be? I haven't stopped exercising, although maybe not been as good as I could be. I haven't eaten junk, in fact probably eaten better overall. But I'm 4 kilos heavier than this time last year, my jeans are getting tight, there's a muffin top on my running shorts and I'm…
Hi everyone I'm a woman, early 40s, been a member for a while but never posted before. I'm 1.8m tall (5'11"), but narrowly built; for most of my 20s and 30s I weighed around 67kg (10.5 stone). More recently my weight has crept up, at times I've been as much as 77kg (just over 12 stone). It's not the biggest amount…