Why do I feel this way?
I've lost about 25 pounds now, with about 35 or so more to go. Two or three weeks ago we went to visit friends that we haven't seen in about six months and some of them didn't even recognize me. I'm wearing clothes a few sizes smaller and I am feeling better most of the time. While all of these things sound great , I just…
Small Scale Victory
I've entered into the world of the 180's... I know for many this is nothing....too fat, still a world away from where they are, a goal they've long ago reached....but for me, this is truly something. I haven't been in the 180's for almost ten years, since I got pregnant with my youngest son. I almost cried while standing…
Do we count fiber on a ketogenic diet? I've been told conflicting things and would like to know what is accurate. Thanks!!
Lifting at home
I cannot afford a gym membership right now, but I have two benches with dozens of plates, dumbbells in every weight, kettlebells, a Total Gym, bands, and a yoga mat. I would like to know if someone can recommend a program OTHER than New Rules of Lifting for Women. I've done it for a few weeks, but I really don't care for…
Best exercises for glutes?
I know squats are great, but (A) they are a bit monotonous and (B) my knee is killing me and I've got about 10 days until my next cortisone shot. So, it's awesome that I've lost about 20 pounds, but unfortunately I've lost a lot of it in my @ss. This is unacceptable and I need my booty back. Please help! Thanks!
Dove head first off the wagon...
So, my son had a bike accident yesterday and we ended up spending 13 hours in two different hospitals. He had surgery before it was all said and done, and I was beyond a wreck. He's ok now, home and not in any discomfort at all...fighting with his brother like any other Saturday. LOL But, through it all, I couldn't eat a…
So, I've been following a keto woe for about six weeks now, with a ten day break while I was out of the country on vacation. I've lost over fifteen pounds and I feel really amazing. My husband has seen all of this and decided to join me...which was a huge NSV for me, because he's never wanted to join me in any "diet"…
I suffer from severe insomnia. I was prescribed medication and that medication has been upped in dosage and I STILL cannot fall asleep before 2am - on a good night. Does anyone have any experience with this or any suggestions? I've tried a million things...no phone at night, no caffeine after the AM, etc. I am so tired of…
We are only human.
I posted this to my wall this morning, but felt that it would be a good message for more than just my small handful of friends to see: I went WAY off plan last night. It was my birthday and we went out to a dinner theater and I chose to enjoy myself rather than hinder myself with their limited choices. I'm right back on…