I know how to enter it manually into the exercise section of the app but I am curious when doing interval training whether you log it as a whole exercise or if I should only log the time I'm actually working out. for instance when doing interval training with jumping rope I usually do 1 minute on 30 seconds off. So if I…
Ill start off by saying I do not have any sensitivities to wheat or gluten food and so far haven't seen any downsides to eating it more often. So I switched to a mostly plant based diet a few weeks ago mostly as a way to save money (about $30 a week) and I rarely eat meat unless its on the weekend. Since then I have had…
So I am on the first week of my first actual bulk and I have noticed that I "gained" 9lbs on the scale. I know that's not all weight gain but was wondering if it's common to have extra water weight and bloating when switching eating plans up like that? I know before I was at about 1800 calories and now I'm around 2500 and…
I am having some trouble with what my goal for calories should be. I am currently 175 and want to lose maybe another 10 lbs at most but want it to be body fat vs muscle. going from 203-175 was easy because I had a lot of extra weight to lose but now I am at a loss because I don't want to lose too fast. I am staying around…