What are the main reason behind your failed diet attempts?
Personally for me it has mainly been a lack of will power combined with the lack of visible results. When I see no physical changes it makes me question the entire process and I end up quitting and feeling sorry for myself. I also find that once I begin eating bad foods it then spirals out of control and I continue to push…
Struggling to lose weight at University
I began my diet at the end of June. I weighed 196 pounds which was the heaviest I have ever weighed. My diet was simple remove all drinks such as soda, milkshake and energy drinks from my diet and no snacking at all. I stuck to a caloric allowance of around 1400 per day which was relatively easy. From June to mid September…
Struggling to lose weight as a University Student?
All my life I have had an issue with my weight. I remember as a kid at around 8 years old I would cry to my own mother about how I wanted to lose weight and I was never able to. My entire teenage life has been entirely influenced by my body. I became body conscious and I simply didn't want to leave the house and I couldn't…
Do you find cheat days to have a positive or negative impact
I have currently been dieting since June and I have gone from 196 pounds to 182 pounds in the last 3 months. I still have 25 pounds to go. My diet consists of completely removing all snacks from my diet and I stick to one meal a day which generally consists of around 1200 calories. I always associate relaxing with having a…
Is it true that your body enters into starvation mode if you don't eat for a while?
So I eat 1 meal a day and I have eaten this way ever since I was around 10 years old. I eat my dinner at around 6pm everyday and thats about it. I now consume around 1300-1400 calories per day as I have completely removed snacks and soda. I have been dieting for 3 months now and I have gone from 196 pounds to 182 pounds.…
Which alcohol has the lowest amount of calories?
So I am 18( legal age to drink in the UK) and I will be attending university this September. One big part of being a student is the drinking and socialising. For me personally I have never really been a drinker due to the fact that I have never been surrounded by people who want to drink. I know that I will be sensible if…
Switching from full fat soda to diet soda
Hi so I have been dieting for 2 weeks now and have currently lost around 3 pounds. One major factor which has made me gain weight in the past is my addiction to soda. I would drink around 4200 calories of it every single week. I have removed full fat soda completely and have tried to resist it as much as possible. I Used…
How damaging is having too much sugar in your diet?
So I was not aware about sugar at all in my diet. I never once even thought about sugar and as I have only just recently started a diet I was more focused on calories. So I am overweight I weigh 185-190 pounds 5'9 and I blame this mainly on my addition with soda. I drink perhaps 5 two litre bottles of the stuff per week.…
Is eating one meal per day bad for you
I am currently on a diet and I am trying to lose weight from 185 pounds to 150 pounds. I blame the most of my weight on my addiction to soda as I normally drink around 4000 calories worth of it per week. I have stopped drinking soda and I have stuck to my original diet with the removal of snacks. So I have one meal per day…
Does eating bread make you gain weight?
In a day I probably have around 5 slices of bread which equates to around 500 calories. Is eating this much bread bad if I want to lose weight. My calories are already in a deficit even if i eat this amount of bread
Is it possible to lose weight just by removing soda from my diet and replacing it with water?
So each week I probably have around 5 2litre bottles of soda. Each bottle contains around 800 calories which means that each week I am drinking around 4000 calories just from soda. I haven't had soda in around 5 days now and the cravings are horrible but I know I need to do it or I will always be hooked. I currently weigh…
Will removing soda from my diet completely help me to lose weight?
I am an 18 year old male 5 foot 9 and around 185 pound my aim is to be around 150 pounds. I have always had an addiction to soda and it probably started to get really bad when i was around 12. I can honestly say that almost every single day I drink around 2 litres. This equates to between 840-900 calories alone just from…
What do you think has caused you to be underweight/overweight
So I'm an overweight 18 year old guy and I always have been chubby. I'm not relatively huge I'm around 185 pounds but I'd love to be 150. I think the main reason why I'm overweight is due to my addiction to soda. If I want I can honestly drink around 2 litres a day which in itself is over the daily sugar intake and around…