Need advice
So I'm needing to lose weight and I'm hoping to gain a bit of muscle to tone up, what excercise or machines do you use? And what machine made you tone up?
Being slack
So about 2 weeks ago I was being really good now I've slacked off a bit and I've probably gained the 4 pounds back I just can't help a biscuit or something I know it's okay occasionally but I eat like the whole packet, I'm fine with healthy eating but not portions does anyone have any tips cheers
Where I'm at and my goal
So I am a teenage girl needing to lose weight I'm not fat but I want to shed around 20 pounds to boost my confidence and make me a healthier person I've always loved fruit but it's actually really dare to but so that's why chips biscuits etc were a bit part in this and as I've grown I've had big portions like breakfast a…