As an A -Team fan, the phrase "I love it when a plan comes together!" brings a smile to my face Same smile appears when steps toward my fitness goals happen as the result of a good, realistic plan What's the plan then? For me, It's about preparation. I have found that if my meals are prepared in advance, then it's a lot…
My ego loves my kCal counter. How could it not?. My better self thinks it's inflated. I use Garmin product with a Wahoo TickR HR strap. I do "work" when I work out, however the reading seems a bit high, well, by a lot I think. I rode for 45-50 minutes this morning, says I burned 3000kj or 850/900 calories. Does that seem…
I ended up at 100kg through a crappy diet and lack of activity. I have a background in sports and until my 40th I was 82-85kg and fit. Ironman races, Marathons and Cycle racing all formed a part of my life. Separatation, job change and a good case of the "stuff its" and I hit the tonne. Being here is keeping me…