Sometimes I feel like when I eat because I'm stressed it's self harming and i feel like no one would understand because it's not comfort eating it's more like putting a knife to my wrist and cutting except I don't allow myself that option and somehow years of being taught that food is the enemy has accumulated as food…
I might be depressed and don't know how to stay motivated. Food isn't the problem as I'm resultantly eating less but leaving the house is a struggle :(
Does anyone else rapidly lose weight in new anxiety inducing situations eg new house, new job, new school year? Cause I have a pretty strong tendency to and wondering if it's normal?
I'm 5'5 and know I'm roughly 9st7 to 10st but am terrified to weigh myself - I mostly think my body looks fine but the numbers on the scale upset me if I'm above 9st. Any solutions? I want to be able to track my weight so I know if I'm losing weight but this is stopping me :(