Cutting back on soda
I drink a lot of Coke. 6-8 cans a day usually. I've tried to quit cold turkey before but it just wasn't sustainable for me. I want to cut down gradually but I'm not sure what kind of timeline to put it on. Ideally I'd like to get my daily intake as low as possible over the next two weeks, but I also want something that…
Manual Treadmills
I'm considering buying one, but I've heard they can't be pretty difficult to use. Does anyone have experience with them, and if so can you tell me if their kid (10 and 12) friendly?
Coke Zero vs. Diet Coke
Which do you find to be a better alternative to regular Coke? And which one tastes better lol
Do you find meal planning helpful?
If you do, how far in advance do you plan for?
Food scale?
What scale do you use? I'm looking for something in the low to moderate price range, however I'm also interested if you guys thinks one with all the bells and whistle is worth it.
What are your favorite frozen dinners?
I'm about to be working a job for six weeks that involves a lot of traveling and no opportunity to actually cook, so frozen meals are going to be a staple. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on frozen dinners or foods that actually taste good.
Picking a goal weight
I know it's far from the most important thing, but I've been really struggling to decide what weight I want to get down to, especially since I have no idea what a healthy weight would look like on my body. Any advice? How did you decide your goal?