I use xxx body fortress whey in a protein shake just before I go to bed or I will wake up in the middle of the night starving. I blend it. With skim milk in a blender or it ends up clumpy.
I started logging everything I eat on this app three weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds. At this rate it will take a year to get to my goal, but slow is the safest way to lose wieght so I don't end up like a sharpei dog. I have to make this a permanant lifestyle of eating healthy, drinking water and excercizing daily. I…
I have never been thin, but more in the 20-30lb overwieght category which in my eyes is nothing because I never wanted to look like a stick. I have struggled with my wieght since young adult hood. After a serious car accident I ballooned up to 300lbs. I have ranged between 250 and 324. I eat healthy foods and excercize…