I am: Male 26 6’00” 228 lbs 17% body fat Macros 10% carbs 65% fats 25% protein Calories: 2,282 Sodium intake: 1500 mg daily average I have been doing Keto for 3 months and I recently started CrossFit. Before CrossFit I just mainly went to the gym and did cardio and some lifting work. I felt exhausted the first couple of…
I am 26 years old and 5’11. I workout 5 days a week. My workout schedule consist of weight lifting and cardio. This is my following workout regiments. Monday-upper body lifting; 20 minute cardio( run for 15 minutes at speeds 5.0-8.0 mph) Tuesday- 50 minute cardio( do two 15 minutes runs in that 50 minute period)…