What Song In Your Workout Playlist Gets You Moving?
Like most people, I can't exercise without music. (Believe me, you do not want to leave me with the thoughts in my head) So, in an attempt to add more killer tunes to my list, I'm asking y'all... What gets you moving? My current go-to is anything by Imagine Dragons --Thunder and Whatever It Takes more than anything.
Ever Had A Stranger Insult Your Weightloss Success? (A bit of a rant)
Seems like a silly question, doesn't it? Unfortunately, I had the distinct displeasure of experiencing this for the first time. I'm a part-time cashier and one of my regulars came in today and decided it would be "okay" to spew some of the most insulting and hurtful verbal diarrhea I've ever heard. (Trust me. Being 60-75…
Need An Accountability Buddy... Or Team... Probably Both
For the better part of a year and a half, I've done really well on my own trying to get this weight off. However, after going from 208 to 140, I've slammed face first into a plateau. I won't lie, my biggest foe is the tastiest. Ice cream. (99.999% of the time it's light ice cream, but that only makes it marginally better)…
33rd Time's The Charm
Okay, so maybe I haven't taken this weightloss journey 33 times, but definitely 10 from the time I was 14 to now. (I'll be 40 in May.) I'd lose 20, 40, 60 even 75 lbs and gain it all back. My body paid a terrible price. My wakeup call came in January 2017, when I went to get off the couch and had to roll off instead. My…
Last 100 Days of 2017
Since late January, I've lost 55 lbs. With just under 100 days left, I would love to lose these last 14 lbs. It's been ridiculously hard though. Anybody game for kicking me in the butt to stay motivated?