Does anyone carb cycle?
Does anyone do carb cycling? What kind of results did you have from it and whats a safe amount of time to carb cycle?
Can someone help me count my macros?
I have never done anything under a low calorie diet. It always causes relapse and back to my old ways because I get depressed. I'm 110% determined and disciplined to make a lifestyle change! I have been doing so much research on the most healthy ways to lose weight, keep it off, and live an active healthy life. I have…
I want to be a success story!
Guys I'm new here! I have about 80 pounds I really want to lose! Really hoping to lose at least 60 in the next 3 months! I am looking to meet friends as I have no one on this journey with me and could use the motivation! I am 110% committed and will be a success story! I'm looking for friends with a mindset in the same.…
What meal of the day?
What meal of the day do you usually eat the most carbs and calories? I usually drink a shake in the morning for breakfast then at lunch I'll consume my most calories followed by light dinner. Light to no snacking. When I do snack its 4-5 grapes or a handful cashews. Just curious to know best time of day to consume your…
Is it just me?
Is it just me or am I the only one who gets extremely thirsty right before bed? I only drink strictly water but after I'm unwinding from the day I down 3-4 bottles of water.. Is this a bad thing or do others do this too?