I want to be a success story!

billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
edited September 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Guys I'm new here! I have about 80 pounds I really want to lose! Really hoping to lose at least 60 in the next 3 months! I am looking to meet friends as I have no one on this journey with me and could use the motivation! I am 110% committed and will be a success story! I'm looking for friends with a mindset in the same. I'm 27 and 2 kiddos. I have a very busy lifestyle and ready to feel great about myself again!
Please feel free to add me!

Let me also add that before you judge my unrealistic goal and criticize for setting such high standards for MYSELF please move on. I am making a lifestyle change not just doing something to lose weight fast then return to old ways. I've been actively dieting watching carbs and calories for over a week now cutting out everything I use to eat only drink water nothing else. I may have set an unrealistic goal but even if its unachievable I will not be ANY LESS HAPPY if I lose 10 pounds in 3 months or even 5 pounds in 3 months because what I'm doing is healthy and it will eventually come off.
I'd love support from a friend to share recipes with, motivate on days we just are wanting to give in, push each other to work out harder than the day before!!
You do not have to support my goal!! I ask you support ME!



  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    Please feel free to share what you do that truly works in dropping the maximum amount of weight! My family says I have turned into a monster with calories and carbs.
  • times60
    times60 Posts: 204 Member
    I am with you please add me. We can do this together
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    60 lbs in 3 months? 3 months = 12 weeks. That's losing 5 lbs per week, every week. You might see 1.5 lbs/week if you're super diligent, then taper off to 1 lb a week. So...

    Oct: lose 1.5 lbs/week. 6 lbs loss in Oct.
    Nov: lose 1 lb /week. 4 lbs loss in Nov. 10 lbs total.
    Dec: lose 1 lb /week. 4 lbs loss in Dec. 14 lbs total.

    So.. if you could be 14-15 lbs lighter on Jan 1, would it still be worth it?
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Guys I'm new to working out I have about 80 pounds I really want to lose! Really hoping to lose at least 60 in the next 3 months!

    Without harming yourself, or using cosmetic surgery, losing 60 lbs in 3 months is not possible. The average maximum safe weight loss rate is 2lbs/week. 3 months generally = 12 weeks or 24 maximum pounds lost. It's really tough to maintain a 2lb/week loss rate without getting weak and injuring yourself (assuming you also use exercise to increase your deficit). Anyway, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your goals are unrealistic. Do yourself a favor, set your sights on 1.5lbs/week loss rate, work hard at it, be consistent and accurate in your logging, and be happy with it. Otherwise you'll likely fail at it, and go back to your old habits, happens to a lot of people. Or.. there's the other extreme, you starve yourself, do possible permanent damage to your body and your organs in the process, and hit your 60lb goal in 3 months. I suggest talking to a doctor about any extreme weight loss goals.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    5lbs a week? If you want to be a success story (which to me means losing weight and then maintaining), I would seriously reassess your goal.

    You have a busy lifestyle - you need energy to maintain this. Take weight loss slowly, have sufficient energy to sustain your lifestyle and health. Restricting too much will lead to health issues, and more than likely cause you to binge and "fall off the wagon".
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    I actually am working with my doctor. I was going to do the rny gastric bypass surgery but decided I would try and do it myself first. I may not lose 60 pounds in 3 months but I want my goal high so I keep myself working hard at it. I was prescribed phentermine and its helped dramatically. I haven't ate over 100 carbs a day or 1300 calories since I started. I completely cut out sugar. I drink 100 oz of water or more daily. I also been working out minimum 20 minutes a day 4 days a week. I haven't touched a scale but the weight loss isn't my biggest factor its burning all the fat off.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    edited September 2017
    60 lb a in 3 months is unrealistic particular as only 80 to lose. You are setting yourself up for failure.
    Aim for max 2 lbs a week and then slowly move that down to 1 lb a week.
    20lbs in 3 months would be great progress.
    Look at the success board. People who do this successfully know this is a persistence over time thing.
    Fyi I am down 56 lbs since February so 8 months. Another 10 or 15 to go.
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    In my opinion its okay to have high goals. The way I am I push myself harder when I have an unrealistic goal.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited September 2017
    Guys I'm new to working out I have about 80 pounds I really want to lose! Really hoping to lose at least 60 in the next 3 months! I am looking to meet friends as I have no one on this journey with me and could use the motivation! I am 110% committed and will be a success story! I'm looking for friends with a mindset in the same. I'm 27 and 2 kiddos. I have a very busy lifestyle and ready to feel great about myself again!
    Please feel free to add me!
    You want to lose 20 lbs a month for 3 months?! Not gonna happen.
    Set realistic expectations so you will not be disappointed.

    Read "Thinner Leaner Stronger" and apply it.

    Also, you are going to need Discipline. "Motivation" is not going to cut it.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited September 2017
    In my opinion its okay to have high goals. The way I am I push myself harder when I have an unrealistic goal.
    Your "opinion" has no bearing on whether or not something is achievable.
    That is not my "opinion", that is a fact.

    "High goals" and "unrealistic goals" are not interchangeable terms.

    I thought you wanted to be a "success story"?
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    Thank you all for your opinions. I would also like to add and make clear that even though I would like to lose 60 pounds in 3 months doesn't mean I would be any less disappointed if I only lost 20 pounds in 3 months. I am making a LIFESTYLE change and its something I'm going to continue for the rest of my life. I am just ready to feel better about myself. So the sooner and faster I can lose weight the better but even if I don't even come close to my goal I'm not going back.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    In my opinion its okay to have high goals. The way I am I push myself harder when I have an unrealistic goal.

    If you want to feel great about yourself, during and after weight loss, do yourself a favour and realise this is a longer term project. I'm sure your kids would appreciate having a mum with energy to look after them and play with them!
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks guys... Looking for friends and get criticized. I have 100% discipline so yes I need the motivation. Telling me my goals are unrealistic is something I already know. I hear it daily. Doesn't mean I'm going to work any less hard.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    So why not set realistic goals so you can be succesful at them. You are setting yourself up for unhealthy actions and failure. Set yourself up for success.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Thank you all for your opinions. I would also like to add and make clear that even though I would like to lose 60 pounds in 3 months doesn't mean I would be any less disappointed if I only lost 20 pounds in 3 months. I am making a LIFESTYLE change and its something I'm going to continue for the rest of my life. I am just ready to feel better about myself. So the sooner and faster I can lose weight the better but even if I don't even come close to my goal I'm not going back.

    But even 20 lbs is super aggressive. Why say something impossible? And if you're saying something impossible, why not say fully impossible. 80 lbs in 1 month!
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    In my opinion its okay to have high goals. The way I am I push myself harder when I have an unrealistic goal.

    If you want to feel great about yourself, during and after weight loss, do yourself a favour and realise this is a longer term project. I'm sure your kids would appreciate having a mum with energy to look after them and play with them!

    This isn't just a longterm project for me its a complete lifestyle change. Like I said my GOAL is 60 pounds If I lose 20 that is still a success. My mindset maybe set different than others but its what works for me. Again its a lifestyle change I do not ever plan on going back. I'm not doing this to lose 80 pounds then turn around and go back to my old ways.
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm not here to argue or defend myself. If you would like to be friends and help motivate each other on the bad days, share awesome recipes, push each other to work out on the days you really arent feeling it, GREAT! if not I do not want to hear any more criticism sorry.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Nobody sensible will motivate you to do something so unhealthy and bound to fail.
    When you quit next week and come back in 2 months looking to lose 85 lbs and are ready to be successful please we will help you. We are trying to help you now.
    But you have already failed by refusing to aim for an achievable goal.
    See you in 2 or 3 months.
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    edited September 2017
    amtyrell wrote: »
    Nobody sensible will motivate you to do something so unhealthy and bound to fail.
    When you quit next week and come back in 2 months looking to lose 85 lbs and are ready to be successful please we will help you. We are trying to help you now.
    But you have already failed by refusing to aim for an achievable goal.
    See you in 2 or 3 months.

    Have you even read any of my posts? Or just the first one. Yes you will see me in 2 or 3 months and it won't be starting over it will be after I've consistently lost weight by following exactly what I'm suppose to do and not cheating one time. Call me a failure before I start but I promise you I will prove you wrong. Lucky for me I'm doing everything under doctor supervision so if I do anything unhealthy he will let me know. After a week I feel GREAT better than I have in years.
  • BobPulaski
    BobPulaski Posts: 56 Member
    I lost 52 pounds in 3 months. I wouldn't encourage anyone to try and do that but my situation is different.

    I used to be in shape so I knew what did and didn't work for my body. One day I got so sick of being fat I decided to go back to my old healthy ways. I kept track of everything I ate and exercised 4 times per week. The weight started flying off and I just kept at it. I didn't starve and I did have cheat days in those 3 months.

    I am happy it came off that fast since maintaining (to me) is easier than losing. I continue to exercise 4 times per week but eat to maintain my weight vs. lose. So, anything is possible but if a person is just getting in to a healthier lifestyle it will probably be hard to lose 60 pounds in 3 months.