I want to be a success story!



  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    BobPulaski wrote: »
    I lost 52 pounds in 3 months. I wouldn't encourage anyone to try and do that but my situation is different.

    I used to be in shape so I knew what did and didn't work for my body. One day I got so sick of being fat I decided to go back to my old healthy ways. I kept track of everything I ate and exercised 4 times per week. The weight started flying off and I just kept at it. I didn't starve and I did have cheat days in those 3 months.

    I am happy it came off that fast since maintaining (to me) is easier than losing. I continue to exercise 4 times per week but eat to maintain my weight vs. lose. So, anything is possible but if a person is just getting in to a healthier lifestyle it will probably be hard to lose 60 pounds in 3 months.

    Congrats!!! Actually my husband does mma and lost 100 pounds in 7 months by just that and eating right. I know what our bodies can do and know it is possible. I also know it will not be easy. I'm blessed with someone harder on me than I am myself but sometimes he can be too hard on me. Lol
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited September 2017
    Congrats!!! Actually my husband does mma and lost 100 pounds in 7 months by just that and eating right. I know what our bodies can do and know it is possible. I also know it will not be easy. I'm blessed with someone harder on me than I am myself but sometimes he can be too hard on me. Lol

    So your husband -presuming this is true- lost an average of 14 lbs a month by "doing mma" and eating right...
    I will stop wondering what "doing mma" is even supposed to mean and move on from there.
    I have coached fighters for about 25 years -NAGA gold medalists, SFC heavyweight champs, K-1 division champs, more- so you are now speaking directly to my area of expertise.

    Consider this question: YOU aim to lose 6 lbs more a month than he allegedly did by doing what, exactly?

    An "I did it!" post from someone who lost less than your goal on average and only had one post previously is not helping your position.
    Especially when he clarified that he already knew how to train effectively for his goals and said he didn't recommend trying it.

    Several experienced people here have offered you reasonable and realistic advice but you refuse to listen to them.
    I'm done here.
  • BobPulaski
    BobPulaski Posts: 56 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    Congrats!!! Actually my husband does mma and lost 100 pounds in 7 months by just that and eating right. I know what our bodies can do and know it is possible. I also know it will not be easy. I'm blessed with someone harder on me than I am myself but sometimes he can be too hard on me. Lol

    So your husband -presuming this is true- lost an average of 14 lbs a month by "doing mma" and eating right...
    I will ignore what "doing mma" is even supposed to mean and move on from there.
    I have coached fighters for about 25 years -NAGA gold medalists, SFC heavyweight champs, K-1 division champs, more- so you are now speaking directly to my area of expertise.

    Consider this question: YOU aim to lose 6 lbs more a month than he allegedly did by doing what, exactly?

    An "I did it!" post from someone who lost less than your goal on average and only had one post previously is not helping your position.
    Especially when he clarified that he already knew how to train effectively for his goals.

    Several experienced people here have offered you reasonable and realistic advice but you refuse to listen to them.
    I'm done here.

    This is completely off topic but how do I look up which threads I've posted in? I admit I am normally a lurker.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited September 2017
    BobPulaski wrote: »
    This is completely off topic but how do I look up which threads I've posted in? I admit I am normally a lurker.

    I use "Community" > Search [ Drop down ] > Author to find posts by people, including my own.

    Now I'm done here ;)
  • RainbowLube
    RainbowLube Posts: 15 Member
    You do you, good luck! As long as you can continue being healthy and exercising the weight will come off. I know I personally find small goals a bit more motivating for me. I have a goal to lose 10lbs from the beginning of the week to the end of October. This is my first week of using MFP and my first week eating healthier and exercising and in just 4 days I am down 7lbs.

    My goal weight loss is about 120lbs. I want to lose 30lbs by the end of the year and then I want to be down to 180lbs by August next year, which is when my wedding is and that would be 90lbs loss in a little under a year. I am hoping for the best! We shall see. Good luck on your journey!
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    Guys I'm new here! I have about 80 pounds I really want to lose! Really hoping to lose at least 60 in the next 3 months! I am looking to meet friends as I have no one on this journey with me and could use the motivation! I am 110% committed and will be a success story! I'm looking for friends with a mindset in the same. I'm 27 and 2 kiddos. I have a very busy lifestyle and ready to feel great about myself again!
    Please feel free to add me!

    Let me also add that before you judge my unrealistic goal and criticize for setting such high standards for MYSELF please move on. I am making a lifestyle change not just doing something to lose weight fast then return to old ways. I've been actively dieting watching carbs and calories for over a week now cutting out everything I use to eat only drink water nothing else. I may have set an unrealistic goal but even if its unachievable I will not be ANY LESS HAPPY if I lose 10 pounds in 3 months or even 5 pounds in 3 months because what I'm doing is healthy and it will eventually come off.
    I'd love support from a friend to share recipes with, motivate on days we just are wanting to give in, push each other to work out harder than the day before!!
    You do not have to support my goal!! I ask you support ME!

    I'm going to make some assumptions here...since you have not given any stats. I am first going to assume that you're average height, and I'll guess that since you want to lose 80 pounds, your current weight I'll put at 230 - just for the following illustration:

    You would have to eat an average of a 2500 calorie per day deficit. If I assume you are a professional athlete, you would have to consume about 900 calories per day to do this. You would not have near enough to fuel that kind of activity EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    If you took your activity level down to "moderately active", which is more active than at least half of those who are successful here, your calorie intake would be a whopping 250 calories.

    But....that's not all.....

    As you start to lose weight, your caloric requirements decrease, meaning that halfway toward your goal, if you were moderately active, your caloric intake target to lose those 5 pounds per week is ZERO!

    Let's look at this another way. Say you eat your 1300 calories and "never cheat". Working backwards from this intake, you would have to burn 3800 calories every single day to do this. If you were a professional/olympic athlete, you might be in that range, but you wouldn't be in the situation of needing to lose 80 pounds in the first place.

    I played with the starting height and weight numbers. Your goal is not possible. I can't see how a doctor would be supervising something like this at all.

    Lastly, I'll say again: read more about the effects of an extreme deficit. You don't want those results.
  • RainbowLube
    RainbowLube Posts: 15 Member
    So I'm seeing a lot of people telling her that her goal is unrealistic and impossible. While it maybe true, she has mentioned multiple times that this is an idealistic goal, she is striving for a high number to motivate her better. She even said that it would be fine if she only lost 5 or 10 lbs only because at least it is progress and she is being healthier. Let her have her high goal, let her strive to work out more and eat healthier. As long as she is healthily trying to lose weight and not starving herself or overworking herself, it should be fine. We know she most likely will not hit the 60lbs but if that is what is motivating her, let her have it.

    OP, do the best you can and make sure you are doing it the healthy way. Don't over extend and you will reach your 80lb goal overall. Good luck to you!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I will be your friend! :)
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    edited September 2017
    So I'm seeing a lot of people telling her that her goal is unrealistic and impossible. While it maybe true, she has mentioned multiple times that this is an idealistic goal, she is striving for a high number to motivate her better. She even said that it would be fine if she only lost 5 or 10 lbs only because at least it is progress and she is being healthier. Let her have her high goal, let her strive to work out more and eat healthier. As long as she is healthily trying to lose weight and not starving herself or overworking herself, it should be fine. We know she most likely will not hit the 60lbs but if that is what is motivating her, let her have it.

    OP, do the best you can and make sure you are doing it the healthy way. Don't over extend and you will reach your 80lb goal overall. Good luck to you!

    At first glance that seems like a reasonable position to take.

    But here's the problem: underneath the unrealistic goal is an implied assumption about weight loss that is demonstrably unhealthy. That assumption that many people take is that "faster is better". In weight loss that is absolutely NOT the case - unless there is an immediate life-threatening health danger to carrying the extra weight.

    Hitting the reasonable target - in this particular arena - is, by far the best goal you can make. An extremely large deficit in an attempt to "do better" often results in unintended bad health consequences. That's why I'm imploring the OP to reconsider the position. Lofty goals are great in many cases. In this case, it's not only impossible, but if taken to an extreme, could cause serious harm.

    If you were to take pictures of two people who started out in the same place and lost the same amount of weight, the one who does it slower is more likely to be healthier - in general. Isn't that the purpose for losing weight in the first place?
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    Guys I'm new here! I have about 80 pounds I really want to lose! Really hoping to lose at least 60 in the next 3 months! I am looking to meet friends as I have no one on this journey with me and could use the motivation! I am 110% committed and will be a success story! I'm looking for friends with a mindset in the same. I'm 27 and 2 kiddos. I have a very busy lifestyle and ready to feel great about myself again!
    Please feel free to add me!

    Let me also add that before you judge my unrealistic goal and criticize for setting such high standards for MYSELF please move on. I am making a lifestyle change not just doing something to lose weight fast then return to old ways. I've been actively dieting watching carbs and calories for over a week now cutting out everything I use to eat only drink water nothing else. I may have set an unrealistic goal but even if its unachievable I will not be ANY LESS HAPPY if I lose 10 pounds in 3 months or even 5 pounds in 3 months because what I'm doing is healthy and it will eventually come off.
    I'd love support from a friend to share recipes with, motivate on days we just are wanting to give in, push each other to work out harder than the day before!!
    You do not have to support my goal!! I ask you support ME!

    Being 90 lbs overweight myself, and wanting to look good in three months myself as it will be Christmas, I would want to lose that much too.

    You said you wanted a lifestyle change. To accomplish the goal you have set out for yourself, doing that for the rest of your life, is that really what you want, to basically starve? If you have been considering gastric bypass surgery, I'm guessing you are near or at levels of morbid obesity. Maybe 60 lbs is a viable goal as those who are very heavy lose weight at a faster rate than someone with a moderate amount of weight to lose.

    With that said, please consider what others are telling you. People who have been in the game a lot longer than you or I have, and are still here.

    BTW - extreme weight loss will leave you with a lot of loose skin which will require surgery. If you lost the weight slower, it will give your skin time to adjust to the lost weight. Luckily you are 27 which means your skin has a lot more elasticity and rebound ability than somone older.

    Take your time. It's a lifestyle change, remember?
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    So I'm seeing a lot of people telling her that her goal is unrealistic and impossible. While it maybe true, she has mentioned multiple times that this is an idealistic goal, she is striving for a high number to motivate her better. She even said that it would be fine if she only lost 5 or 10 lbs only because at least it is progress and she is being healthier. Let her have her high goal, let her strive to work out more and eat healthier. As long as she is healthily trying to lose weight and not starving herself or overworking herself, it should be fine. We know she most likely will not hit the 60lbs but if that is what is motivating her, let her have it.

    OP, do the best you can and make sure you are doing it the healthy way. Don't over extend and you will reach your 80lb goal overall. Good luck to you!

    Thank you! I appreciate the kind words and happy someone finally understands what I'm talking about
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    So I'm seeing a lot of people telling her that her goal is unrealistic and impossible. While it maybe true, she has mentioned multiple times that this is an idealistic goal, she is striving for a high number to motivate her better. She even said that it would be fine if she only lost 5 or 10 lbs only because at least it is progress and she is being healthier. Let her have her high goal, let her strive to work out more and eat healthier. As long as she is healthily trying to lose weight and not starving herself or overworking herself, it should be fine. We know she most likely will not hit the 60lbs but if that is what is motivating her, let her have it.

    OP, do the best you can and make sure you are doing it the healthy way. Don't over extend and you will reach your 80lb goal overall. Good luck to you!

    At first glance that seems like a reasonable position to take.

    But here's the problem: underneath the unrealistic goal is an implied assumption about weight loss that is demonstrably unhealthy. That assumption that many people take is that "faster is better". In weight loss that is absolutely NOT the case - unless there is an immediate life-threatening health danger to carrying the extra weight.

    Hitting the reasonable target - in this particular arena - is, by far the best goal you can make. An extremely large deficit in an attempt to "do better" often results in unintended bad health consequences. That's why I'm imploring the OP to reconsider the position. Lofty goals are great in many cases. In this case, it's not only impossible, but if taken to an extreme, could cause serious harm.

    If you were to take pictures of two people who started out in the same place and lost the same amount of weight, the one who does it slower is more likely to be healthier - in general. Isn't that the purpose for losing weight in the first place?

    I assure you I would never do anything to harm myself! I am trying to get healthy not starve myself. Again I will say that I do not care if I lose 5 pounds or 10 pounds in 3 months. I will be happy as long as I continue to lose weight. Even if I do not meet my unrealistic goal it will not matter because I'll still be dedicated to my LIFESTYLE change. I am not an idiot and everyone talking to my like one is harsh considering you know absolutely nothing about me. I will repeat again IM NOT GOING TO UNHEATHILY TRY AND REACH MY 60 POUND GOAL! If it happens it happens!
  • Roosh513
    Roosh513 Posts: 57 Member
    So I'm seeing a lot of people telling her that her goal is unrealistic and impossible. While it maybe true, she has mentioned multiple times that this is an idealistic goal, she is striving for a high number to motivate her better. She even said that it would be fine if she only lost 5 or 10 lbs only because at least it is progress and she is being healthier. Let her have her high goal, let her strive to work out more and eat healthier. As long as she is healthily trying to lose weight and not starving herself or overworking herself, it should be fine. We know she most likely will not hit the 60lbs but if that is what is motivating her, let her have it.

    OP, do the best you can and make sure you are doing it the healthy way. Don't over extend and you will reach your 80lb goal overall. Good luck to you!

    Thank you! I appreciate the kind words and happy someone finally understands what I'm talking about

    Amen. Pretty sure almost everyone ignored the last part of her original post. The BIGGEST part of weight loss and maintaining a healthy body weight is finding what works for you. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and adjustment to find a lifestyle that works for you.

    If having a 5 lb/week goal keeps you going at a comfortable, yet aggressive pace, and as long as you understand that starving yourself is just as bad as over training yourself, then you are good to go! Keep at it, whether you loose 0, 1, 2, or 5 lb. a week, you'll have a cheering crowd. You do you! :smile:
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    Roosh513 wrote: »
    So I'm seeing a lot of people telling her that her goal is unrealistic and impossible. While it maybe true, she has mentioned multiple times that this is an idealistic goal, she is striving for a high number to motivate her better. She even said that it would be fine if she only lost 5 or 10 lbs only because at least it is progress and she is being healthier. Let her have her high goal, let her strive to work out more and eat healthier. As long as she is healthily trying to lose weight and not starving herself or overworking herself, it should be fine. We know she most likely will not hit the 60lbs but if that is what is motivating her, let her have it.

    OP, do the best you can and make sure you are doing it the healthy way. Don't over extend and you will reach your 80lb goal overall. Good luck to you!

    Thank you! I appreciate the kind words and happy someone finally understands what I'm talking about

    Amen. Pretty sure almost everyone ignored the last part of her original post. The BIGGEST part of weight loss and maintaining a healthy body weight is finding what works for you. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and adjustment to find a lifestyle that works for you.

    If having a 5 lb/week goal keeps you going at a comfortable, yet aggressive pace, and as long as you understand that starving yourself is just as bad as over training yourself, then you are good to go! Keep at it, whether you loose 0, 1, 2, or 5 lb. a week, you'll have a cheering crowd. You do you! :smile:

    You are so awesome!!! Thank you so much for "getting it". I guess me being so determined and motivated has me setting my goals way overboard but it works for me. I also have small weekly goals as well which are VERY achievable one being "no cheat days this week" I met that goal! Super proud of myself. :). thank you again for the support! :)
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    lutzsher wrote: »
    I started being completely committed to log every morsel and lose the 85 lbs myself this year, day 1 was this past Jan 15th. The entire goal was just to overwhelming for me to contemplate so I decided to start with a 12 week promise to myself that I would be faithful to my goal and health.
    I weigh and measure EVERY morsel and then log it BEFORE I eat. Part of this journey is one of self discovery, learning to treat your body right and leaving indulgence and bad habits behind. It takes time and honest logging to be able to discover what works, and what doesn't, for each person. I was completely 100% faithful my first 12 weeks and lost 24 lbs, which is 2 lbs per week and exactly what your doctor would recommend is a safe and healthy way to lose. I have kept renewing my 12 week pledges and treated myself with a new piece of clothing at each milestone.
    Im now over 7 months into my journey and have lost just over 55 lbs. Sometimes life gets in the way and you won't have any loss one week, then the next week you will have stellar results. If you are always faithful to weigh and measure and log your food, and maintain a healthy calorie deficit the scale will always trend downward but it is NEVER as fast as you want. Your commitment to keep plugging away is what will win this battle.
    Im now 30 lbs away from my goal and the weight comes off much slower now and requires a bit more effort but with all my past months of practice I already know that I have this beat because I had my "light bulb" moment and realized this is not a temporary diet . . . you have to live what you want to be and if you want to live life as a slimmer healthier you than you have to live that way for good. All my months of logging and dedication have just been practice for the rest of my life. . . . and boy is it worth it . . . I feel amazing and actually enjoy seeing myself in a full length mirror not to mention the energy and positive attitude that seems to be always present.
    I won't wish you "good luck" but instead I will wish your "good determination"!

    You are awesome!! Congrats on your loss! Also thank you for the great advice! my husband always says I know you are cheating on your diet but like I told him by lying on my logs and cheating in general isn't hurting anyone but myself so why would I do it or why would I lie. I'm new to the nutrion part of it but I've done SOO much research and I'm hoping I'll find what really works for my body.
    Thank you again for awesome advice and inspiration! Good luck/determination on the rest of your fitness journey and lifestyle change!
  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    I'm looking for committed friends to help keep me in line. I'm happy you're as motivated as got are, good luck!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Hi there! It may not be a good idea to do it in 3 months, but it's definitely possible to lose 80 lbs. I'm down 101 at the moment and seven pounds from normal weight. Good for you trying it this way before resorting to surgery - the surgery is no joke and both of my friends who have had it, had near fatal complications.

    In my case, I was able to maintain about 10 lbs / wk weight loss when I was obese, dropping to about 7 / wk when I was overweight. It's fine to set unachievable goals, as long as you will not be disappointed if you fail to achieve them! Best of luck to you.
  • billyeann90
    billyeann90 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi there! It may not be a good idea to do it in 3 months, but it's definitely possible to lose 80 lbs. I'm down 101 at the moment and seven pounds from normal weight. Good for you trying it this way before resorting to surgery - the surgery is no joke and both of my friends who have had it, had near fatal complications.

    In my case, I was able to maintain about 10 lbs / wk weight loss when I was obese, dropping to about 7 / wk when I was overweight. It's fine to set unachievable goals, as long as you will not be disappointed if you fail to achieve them! Best of luck to you.

    Thank you so much:)