It’s that time of year when you start looking back on what’s happened since you last made a promise to yourself that you know you won’t keep passed the second week in January. But last year I did keep my resolution! I’ve lost a ton of weight and i feel so much better for it! I’m not finished yet as today I’m going to get…
Im doing really well but would love to have a more supporting group around me. Please add me if you want to be motivated back!
Sometime the scales say you’ve put on weight.. but your clothes fit better and you can exercise for longer without feeling out of breath. It’s far more than weight that’s important. Do your friends and loved ones notice you being happier even dare I say sexier!? Have you managed to lift a few more extra pounds on that last…
So when I look in the mirror I still see the fat me.. it’s only when I take these comparison pics that I can see my hard work is paying off. I’ve still got plenty of fat to fight but I’ll get there. These are 18months apart:
After many year of emotional eating and abusing my body with food I have to say I’m now in a good place. This photo compares my two years ago to today.. By no means is the war over but I like to think that the battles are going in my favour. I barely recognise the man in that first photograph so that’s got to be good right?
Hi everyone, I used to use this everyday and built up a great network of people but I lapsed. Now I currently only have one friend (my lovely wife) I’m looking for a bunch of new enthusiastic people. Want to be my friend? Getting rid of 50lbs will be hard without you!