I have a schedule of 4 days on and 3 days off. Do you guys think your work schedule affects your workouts and dieting ? Personally I think having the extra day off really helps.
Has anyone tried the workout they used on the movie “300”? Diet as well ??
I was wondering if someone could point me in n a direction. Bulking makes my days close to miserable, so I am discovering that my actual goal is to get stronger and leaner if that is even possible. Build muscle for sure, but not have to gorge a million calories a day. Full body workout plus healthy nutrition should get my…
I’m currently 142lbs 18% body fat. 5’5” 29 years old. Routine 1: Dumbbell Squats 5x5 (2-40lbs dumbbell. Each hand) Dumbbell deadlifts5x5 (2-45lbs dumbbell each hand) Lat Pull down 5x5 (70lbs) Close Grip Bench Press 5x10 (115lbs) Lying Rear Shoulder Raises 3x8 (10lbs each hand) Decline Sit ups 5x20 ROUTINE 2: Dumbbell…
My name is Andrew, helicopter technician. Trying to gain muscle and a better physique. Weigh 142 lbs, taking in 160 grams of protein per day. I do a full body workout 4 days per week with only 1 hour of cardio per week.