Hey! So I’ve been working out for about a year now and starting to see results. I’ve done my share of research as well. NOT A TRAINER. But I’d love to see if my tips work for others! If you want tips and bits. Comment on here anything or add me as a friend and message me! I’ll start putting out tips on my page as well
Building muscle and toning up! Want to give support and share tips! Have came across some weird people on this app so just want so great yin support! 😆
I’ve finally started creating work outs that have started to show me progress. Wish I could upload those work outs on here and get tips on them and help out my fitness friends!
H hiya, I’ve just downloaded the app again and a lot of things have changed! Just looking for support and to give support! New friends welcome! Love to swap tips and all!
I'm really unhappy with my lower body. My top has always been really skinny. My bum isn't the best shape. Also, my legs have always been bigger. Not fat, but with muscle. I want to make my calves smaller. Can anyone give me any tips on any exercises that would give me a rounder bum?
So it's not really weight I'm wanting to lose but rather replace fat with muscle. However, I'm not completely that experienced with what exercises is best to achieve this. Any comments would be helpful
Is it worth it or should I just keep to the free version?