to say the last couple of weeks have sucked monkey balls big time is a ginormous understatement.. my being done has been done and that done has been done.. it has been so bad mentally/emotionally .. from chaos at work and chaos at home, that I haven't cared what I have eaten and I didn't care to log about three days worth…
I have begun to notice that, particularly men, are beginning to "see me" since I have lost a few pounds and dropped a couple of pants sizes. I find this to be very unnerving, and quite frankly, aggravating as I am used to always being ignored or tucked away in the friend zone. Yes it is flattering, but at the same time, it…
I am a 43 year old who has been eating lower carbs (I am not on the Keto Diet) and have been walking as my daily exercise. As someone who has been stuck behind a desk for the last six years, I have finally managed to average 6,000 steps a day and am working to gradually increase that to 10,000. I have also began adding…