Hi everybody, glad to be here! According to the National Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intake Levels the quantity of protein has to be around 15% instead fat 25%, which I feel that doesen't meet my need. I ended up adding more protein and reducing the fat, firstly fot the wrong convinction that a diet fat-free was better…
:) I have no healthy problem , just want to lose 10 pounds. I saw a video in which a dr. explained how helpful in losing weight would be eating just 2 meals per day with all the calories and fat you need. It helps you losing weight because it does not allow the insulin to work more and if the insuline work the fat will be…
Hello everybody. I'm Irene from Italy , I started tracking my diet 2 months ago. Im still in that phase in which I have to gradually reduce my calories and eating more balanced. I changed the layout and now I have 5 meals but Im struggling to understand how to divide it . I did like that: - breakfast 500 calories - Morning…
I got premium few days ago and I find out that i do need to update with the food the time as well . I don't understand the reason and the app did not recommend me which time is the best to eat specific foods. Can someone help me?