Hello! I always struggle with the breakfast portion of my calorie intake a day because I either eat too much or too little and my day gets all messed up. What do you guys eat for breakfast?
Whenever I feel that I want to buy that candy bar, cookie, or ice cream and eat it all I think about how unhealthy that would be and how tired it would make me feel so i don't buy it. Whenever I don't want to go to the gym, i remember how refreshing it feels when you're done and how confident you feel the next day.…
This app says not to go over 55 grams of sugar and that sounds like a very easy job expect fruits have lots of sugar and I eats lots of fruit! Anyway, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me if 55 grams is too much or too little... thank you!
I created this not only because I want share my experiences but because I would like to hear some of yours too. Bullying can be both in person or virtually but either way it still hurts the same. I recall not only getting bullied by people from my school but also from my family. I became this self conscious girl who no…