This past week I noticed my appetite has been poor. I just wanted to know if any of you guys can share a recipe on shakes with a lot of calories. I also dropped a few pounds and my clothes are fitting a bit too loose :(
I was determined to start working on the bottom half of my body by doing calf raises, squats, lunges, and leg raises 3 days ago. The next day I woke up to my thighs hurting and sore. They no longer hurt anymore as of today but I’m wondering if this is normal during a workout because I read something about your body…
Last Sunday, I came down with something bad and I couldn’t stomach water or any food and ended up vomiting 5 times. I drank gatorade throughout the night. I haven’t checked the scale but I know that I’ve definitely lost some weight because of it and my appetite has been poor since. Any tips how I can raise my appetite to…
So I’ve been consistently putting on 3 lbs a month which is good considering I want to gain weight, but I want to know if that is too much weight gain a month and if so do I need to slow down or I can continue on as long as it isn’t higher?