Eggs are Bad Again
The poor egg is getting a bad rap again https://consumer.healthday.com/cardiovascular-health-information-20/dieting-to-control-cholesterol-health-news-190/heart-breaking-news-for-egg-lovers-743849.html
DASH Diet thread
There's a couple of us (maybe more?) who are interested in experimenting with the NIH's DASH diet protocol. This thread is for us to chat and keep track of our stuff :) Feel free to join in! All the information for DASH can be found on the NIH website, including the plan's outline for different calorie targets…
AAP & AHA Recommending tax on sodas and sugary drinks
I have mixed feelings on this- https://www.foxbusiness.com/healthcare/key-medical-groups-push-for-tax-on-soda-sugary-drinks-for-first-time https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2019/03/21/peds.2019-0282 The recommendations: Local, state, and/or national policies to reduce added sugars consumption should…
One in five people are eating themselves to an early death: Global study
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/04/03/unhealthy-diet-killing-millions-around-world-lancet-study/3339934002/ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)30041-8/fulltext The thing that stood out to me was the part about whole grains. I've been working on this myself this year as I've…
Maintenance Anniversary
I realized that today is my 6 year maintenance anniversary and my weigh-in this morning put me within a pound of my original goal weight, that I hit on April 1, 2013 :) I chose that weight to be my goal because it's what I weighed on my wedding day, when I had just turned 24. I'm now 40 years old and can comfortably fit…
Cool whip Mix-ins
So the Fage thread mentioned Cool Whip, which I never buy but I decided to take a look at while at the store today. I now have a tub of Cool Whip Oreos Mix-ins in my freezer and I have no idea what to do with it lol. Has anyone tried this before? Did you eat it plain or mix it with something? They also had a brownie mix in…
EWG's 2019 Dirty Dozen List out
https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary.php https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/mar/20/pesticide-residues-produce-even-after-washing-us I don't buy organic produce unless it's the cheapest option, and have never given organic vs non-organic much thought. However, I've increased my produce consumption a lot this year,…
Curious about SB
Followed Sabine's link in a thread to here and I'm very curious about what SB is, though I've spent a lot of time looking into DASH and thinks that's a very solid plan. Next time I'm at the library I'll have to get the SB book (if there's more than one, what's the recommended one?). Looks like there's two phases and with…
Fish eaters-how many servings a week?
I'm transitioning to a more whole foods, pescetarian woe right now and I have it stuck in my head that you shouldn't eat a lot of fish due to mercury levels etc. I've done some reading online and it looks like there's an agreed upon list of fish that are safe to eat all the time (salmon, whitefish and tilapia would be the…