Squat knee swelling
Hello, So I had knee surgery when I was 17(33 now) and I got back into working out about a year ago after 5 years off. I slowly started squating on a smith machine with no issues. Well now I'm back to free barbell and im starting to get knee swelling and clicking when I squat. I really want to keep going and become a…
Weightlifer doing 1 week of cardio ONLY experiment
So I'm a bigger guy I pack on alot of muscle and unfortunately a decent amount of fat. Just looking at my flabby stomach in the mirrir I was thinking . "should i increase my cardio? How about a entire week, no weights just cardio?" Now I already work out about 5 to 6 times a week weightlifting for an hour and cardio for…
How much is too much?
Went to the gym today and I noticed a person training because he is one of those guys that does a set and walks around a large area and comes back to their machine. But what I noticed more is that he dud lat pulldowns for over an hr. My question: is there any benefit to work one exercise for over an hr(almost 2)?
Cutting Calories Myths
Why am I seeing all over the place that cutting calories doesn't work?
Carb Loading and The Day After
Ok, so say a friend of mine binge ate alot of taco bell and half a pizza yesterday night after drinking...... The next day he went to the gym and put in a 2 hr workout with resistance and cardio. Do I ... I mean my friend need to consume carbs post workout or was his binge carbs from the night before still sitting in his…
How much Protein should I eat?
So I understand the 1g per pound diet to maintain or build muscle. An 180lb person needs 180g per day. But is that just for someone with lower body fat percentage? I'm hovering around 300lbs(slowly dropping, 18lbs loss in 3 months) but I have a decent amount of lean body mass. Ive tried to consume 300g or protein a day and…
300 lbs looking for advice on diet
So I'm about a month into eating clean, watching calories and working out. My daily goal is around 2200 to 2500 calories a day. I workout 4 to 5 days a week and have a cheat day once a week. Will my body go into starvation mode with that low of calories? Can I build muscle and lose weight?